The Labor Party is still tying themselves in knots about Adani. They need to hear from us encouraging them to reject this polluting coal mine.
This is Labor’s Franklin River moment. This decision will go down in Australian environmental history. The ALP are so close, but we need to get them over the line.
Give them the courage and confidence to make the right decision!
Will you call one – or many! – of these key people in Labor's Cabinet and encourage them to make a clear public statement opposing this dangerous mine?
Calling tips
- When you call, you might speak to a staffer. Ask them to leave a message for the Shadow Minister. If you can't get through, keep trying!
- Be polite and encouraging – we want them to make a good decision!
- Talk about why you care about this
- Be specific – ask them to make a clear public statement opposing Adani's mine
- For more tips, check out this toolkit!
Get dialling!
Here are the phone numbers for the Canberra offices and electorate offices.
Tanya Plibersek – 02) 6277 4404 or 02) 9379 0700
Chris Bowen – 02) 6277 4822 or 02) 9604 0710
Tony Burke – 02) 6277 4410 or 02) 9750 9088
Anthony Albanese – 02) 6277 4664 or 02) 9564 3588
Mark Dreyfus – 02) 6277 4205 or 03) 9580 4651
Mark Butler – 02) 6277 4089 or 08) 8241 0190
Jason Clare – 02) 6277 4904 or 02) 9790 2466
Jim Chalmers – 02) 6277 4880 or 07) 3299 5910
Shayne Neumann – 02) 6277 4755 or 07) 3201 5300
Bill Shorten – 02) 6277 4022 or 03) 9326 1300
Make sure you let us know who you called and what they said!
Latest Supporters
tanya Plibersek and i spoke to an assistant by the name of Cain and her was very able. He quoted back to me, Labour’s attitude and opinion on the Adani coalmine saying Labour knows it doesn’t stack up on any counts and also means we will not be able to abide by our Paris agreement. they are not voting on it today. cain said he had had several calls and they were making a list of people who had voiced their concerns. all good!
I called everyone on the list. The Shane Neumann call went to an answering machine and I didn’t leave a message. All others said they would pass on the message, some said that they’d had hundreds of calls. Encouragingly, many staffers support our views. Mark Butlers staffer said he’s been very vocal, both inside and outside the party, of his opposition to the Adani mine.
Bill Shorten’s office. A brief call, politely received. He said “you are not alone in this”, so he must have received a lot of calls already
Bill Shorten Office
Spoke with Harry
He said Labor held position of not supporting the adani mine or naif loan.
Called 2 numbers for Mark Dreyfus but not answered.
no message bank either
I will try again
Brendan alk
Tanya Plibersek. I made my point and the man answered thathe would send me Tayna’s recent statement on Adani.
Chris Bowen- no answer.
Tony Burke- took my name and added me to a list.
Mark Butler
Tony Bourke
Bill Shorten
Overall, looking at the present coal industry and present world demand for coal, Australia just does not need an extra mine to meet future demand. The competition created by approving the constructiion of the Adani mine would undermine the continued stable employment of the existing labour work force in the Hunter Valley and smaller Queensland mines. Douglas Wright
Tanya Plibersek The person i spoke to said that their position hasnt changed and that theywont fund Adani.
Bill shorten, his secretary lifted the phone I think n said he will pass my message to Bill.
I called Tony Plibersek’s and Shorten’s offices yesterday, and felt I was listened to. Today I called everyone else. Chalmers, Neumann and Dreyfus staffers appeared to only be taking down your name, and just passively listened and then let you know that they would not take any comments. I could not get through on Jason Clare despite trying many times on both numbers, and it sounded once like I was hung up on.
I gave a detailed factual message based on months of research explaining that the Adani mine
a) has no business case (BNEF projects $10/MWh by 2020 – coal is over $80 – and in India 65% of old coal is now more expensive that new renewables
b) Adani is corrupt – BVI /Caymans scams, many massive scams in India, some now with cases reopened
c) Adani are broke and trying to shuffle off their $1.5bn Port debt – check all the massive amount of articles on IEEFA
d) the climate impacts.
• At risk is 29 BILLION tons of carbon in the Galilee Basin – world’s 4th largest source of carbon (bigger than Exxon) if the Aurizon NAIF loan is approved
• Bill McKibben said that Australia’s coal expansion plans were worth 30% of the total global carbon budget which has now shrunk as we have considerably worse figures for climate sensitivity (40%)
• As well as West Antartica irreversibly melting, NOAA added the Arctic to that list late last year, and Greenland’s bingo point is only 0.4°C away – which was the difference between the two El Nino peaks in 10 years (1998-2016)
• we are so closed to irreversible catastrophic climate damage with ocean currents slowing from Greenland melt, and the resulting anoxic ocean allowing mass outgassing of methane and then hydrogen sulphide which was the end game of the Permian Extinction.
It is CRITICAL that the Adani mine or any backdoor funding does not go ahead.
Chris Bowen’s phone diverted to Plibersek’s office, when an interested staffer listened to all these facts.
I have been encouraging all offices to contact Tim Buckley, Nicky Ison, Paul Hawkins who is touring shortly, and David Spratt.
Australia could be leading again with progress to energy sovereignty in liquid fuels through the hydrogen economy which would be fantastic for Far North Queensland and ports such as Gladstone.
Tanya Plibersek, Mark Butler and Bill Shorten.
Asked for a clear public commitment from Labor that they do not support the Adani mine for the sake of a healthy climate and wellbeing of future generations.
I was told by the person I spoke to in Mark Butler’s office that the Labor caucus is not currently considering whether or not to support the project.
Otherwise good, mostly they were making an effort to say how their members had voiced concern and commitment to not supporting ‘if the project doesn’t stack up’
Tony Burke.
Staffer answered. Took my name and State and said she would add it to the list. Hope it is a long, long list.
I called Bill Shorten’s office and left a message with a staffer to say I was completely against the mine and strongly encouraged Fed Labor to take a position against it. The man said he would make a note of my call ‘along with all the other calls!’
Mark Dreyfus Spoke to staffer Jud, who said they have had over 350 calls. He was logging them all and passing them through.
Bill Shorten in Melbourne. Expressed concerns on environmental and economic grounds. A good project for 1950 but not 2020
Called and spoke to a staffer in Anthony Albanese’s electorate office. Had an insightful conversation about Labor’s policies – the staffer seemed genuinely interested in why there is so much focus on Adani specifically, rather than reducing emissions and taxing carbon (which Labor do have policies on). He said he will definitely pass on my comments to Anthony.
Plibersek – spoke to staffer (TP travelling). Appreciated the call and also reiterated Labour will not go ahead if does not stack up environmentally.
Bill Shorten’s office, Victoria. Spoke to secretary only and registered my extreme disappointment regarding Labor reconsidering Adani and was assured that my message would be passed on (hopefully).
Tanya Plibersek’s electorate office. Went very well. Mind you if I’d had a poor response from a Labor Left young Labor mother of young children, heaven help a so-called Labor party.
Anthony Albanese – Maria took the call – told me the phones have been working hard and that AA has already spoken about Adani and guided me to look at his website. My message was that the time for talking and words is over – we simply need leadership and action. Maria said she would see he gets my message.
I phoned both Bill Shorten and Tanya Plibersek’s Canberra Offices. I spoke to a staff member in Tanya Plibersek’s office and explained the reason for my call which is my concern over Labor supporting the Adani mine. I explained that it has been publicised that Labor could potentially support the mine if it stacked up financially and economically and I stated that the devil is in the detail and that Labor should not be supporting a coal mine under any circumstance. I mentioned that I don’t often make phone calls on issues however I feel very strongly about this and I have been involved in various campaigns over a period of time in order to get the mine halted as I am very concerned for the future of the Great Barrier Reef. I asked that my concerns be passed to Tanya Plibersek. Bill Shorten’s Canberra office phone rang out – no opportunity for a voice message to be left.
I called every fed labor member in SA as well as albo and tanya and thought blow it so pyne got a call to most interesting some said they new nothing about it others said they had heard many saying not going to happen and three said their bosses were against the mine
Tanya Plibersek – Cane said she is very committed to renewables and I urged her to stand strong to have this appalling project stopped.
Shorten – officer Harry thanked me said he’d add my name to the list of people supporting ALP move away from Adani
Burke – officer Michelle has had over 15 calls today, taking names & states
Butler – long chat with Jacobus, Mark’s position remains clear, doesn’t support Adani, but media misrepresentation to claim ALP caucus in next 24-48hrs, will make position clear before next election
Dreyfuss – offsider Bill said I was ‘one of many’ who’ve rung in last few days, will pass name onto Mark, whose position is that “this coal mine should not go ahead as it is not good for the country”.
Albanese – Anni Elkar answered & has had many calls on this topic this week
Bowen – office answer, only taking numbers if outside electorate – I made point, as shadow treasurer Bowen will no doubt consider the risk of stranded assets
I’ve just called Jim Chalmers office and spoke to a friendly staff member called Pip. Jim is out in the community and normally does not correspond over the phone, which sound a bit weird to me. She toke notes of my concerns regarding the Adani mine and will pass it on. She also took all my details and I might get a respond from Jim by email. She could not tell his stand on this matter nor could she tell what Bill Shorten’s decision will be. She was getting a lot of phone calls today about Adani so looks like ALP is getting a wake up call. lol
I think Mr Shorten’s office has given up answering. I tried 5 times, but the line was busy 3 times and twice there was no answer. Tanya’s office told me the mine is “not stacking up economically or environmentally” and that they do not support it.