Woodside's proposal to extend its dirty North West Shelf gas plant to 2070 now hinges on Federal Environment Minister Tanya Plibersek's approval.

We must urge the Minister to stop this climate-wrecking, culture-smashing disaster before it's too late.

Call the Environment Minister's office today and pass on this message:

  • “Reject Woodside’s North West Shelf extension to protect our climate and ancient Murujuga rock art.” 

Extending the North West Shelf gas plant is part of Woodside's Burrup Hub mega gas expansion – a climate bomb so devastating that it would emit more than 13 times Australia's annual climate pollution and devastate nature Australia-wide. 

Approving Woodside's North West Shelf extension also locks in close to 50 more years' worth of acidic pollution that will eat away at ancient Murujuga rock art.

In the 1980s, 5,000 Murujuga rock carvings were destroyed to make way for Woodside’s North West Shelf gas plant. Ever since its pollution has risked the World Heritage-nominated Murujuga rock art to erosion.  

Our national environment laws include protections for nationally significant cultural heritage. For this reason, Minister Plibersek must reject Woodside's gas plans and protect Murujuga rock art.

Call the Minister today and urge her to reject Woodside's North West Shelf extension!


banner image: Murujuga rock art