This week, Environment Minister Tanya Plibersek is sitting in the Federal Court alongside two coal companies defending her decision to approve two reckless coal projects in New South Wales.

More coal and gas means forests burning wildly, reefs bleaching, rivers drying up, and mounting extinctions. Our Environment Minister should be making decisions that protect people and nature, not letting companies go even further wreaking havoc on nature for profit.

Make a quick phone call to Minister Plibersek’s office urging her to use the powers she has now to stop new coal and gas projects, and urgently create new laws that help protect nature from threats including climate-wrecking coal and gas.

What to expect and what to say:

  • You don’t need to be an expert to make a call, and it’s easier than you think! You dial the number, a staff member pick-ups your call, then you ask them to pass the message on to the Minister.
  • The message to pass on is: 
    • Will you use the powers you have now as Environment Minister to stop new coal and gas projects, acknowledging the irreversible damage burning more fossil fuels is doing to our climate, and in turn nature and our communities? and
    • Will you urgently create new laws that actually protect nature from all its threats, including climate-wrecking coal and gas?
  • It's best to call during Australian business hours (9am to 5pm AEST) so you can speak with a staff member.
  • Staff members are friendly to talk to and will pass your message on to the Minister. If your call is unanswered, please leave a short and respectful voice message with your name and your message for the Minister. 
  • If you live in the Minister's electorate, let the staff member know.

Header: Benedikt Juerges / Shutterstock