Our featured actions

Let's #ShowOurColours for climate action

To our elected representatives: Act on climate, now!


Take care of yourself in the face of the bushfire crisis

News | 22 January 20

Like nothing we've ever seen

Australia is experiencing its most devastating bushfire season on record. The scale of the impact – on people’s homes and health, the loss of life, nature and wildlife – is enormous, and difficult to comprehend. 

Along with the groundswell of support for affected communities, more and more people are demanding our leaders step up. Millions of people took to the streets for the last global climate strike, and with the ferocity of these fires attitudes are shifting even more around the world. By working together, we can rapidly build our movement and reach a tipping point for action.

What we can all do to help, right now

  1. Take care – Look out for yourself and those around you, and ask for help if you need it.

  2. Speak up for real actionsign the open letter and meet with your local MP to demand climate action and to protect, restore and fund nature.

  3. Talk and listen – share your story, have conversations in person and online to connect the dots between these bushfires and climate damage.

  4. Donate – support First Nations communities and first responders and ACF’s long-term work to ramp up climate action in Australia.

  5. Grow the movement – actively inspire people to join your group or attend a welcome event.

  6. Care for wildlife – leave water for wildlife, remove netting to share your fruit trees with bats and birds, plant wildlife attracting flowers, plant trees and native flowers, keep cats inside, etc.


Some useful reading:

Change the story toolkit
Change the story, online and in local media
How to talk about the bushfires
Bushfire conversation guide

Actions you can take

Let's #ShowOurColours for climate action

To our elected representatives: Act on climate, now!


Take care of yourself in the face of the bushfire crisis

News | 22 January 20

A message from ACF's CEO Kelly O'Shanassy on Australia's bushfire crisis

News | 16 January 20

Watch: Bushfire response webinar

Email your MP and demand climate action now

Bushfire relief efforts: where to donate

News | 15 January 20

Change the story on bushfires and climate, online and in local media

Frequently Asked Questions