
Adani’s latest plan further weakens protections for our clean water

16 August 18

Adani’s latest plans represents a material weakening of protections for Queensland groundwater.


Recommendation 4 of the ACCC inquiry in retail electricity pricing

14 August 18

The key design elements needed for government underwriting of dispatchable energy to ensure it supports clean projects that support cheap wind and solar, not new dirty coal.


Federal implications of the NSW Kosciuszko Wild Horse Heritage Bill 2018

07 June 18

The NSW bill will ensure damage from feral horses on the sensitive alpine environments of Kosciuszko National Park continue and increase, despite the numerous threatened species and rare ecosystems that call the park home.


Federal funding for Great Barrier Reef to fall short of 2020 commitments

05 June 18

Stopping Adani's coal mine and sovereign risk: Analysis by economist Saul Eslake

21 May 18

Would actions by an Australian Government to stop the Adani Carmichael mine from proceeding constitute an increase in Australian 'sovereign risk'?


Legal advice to ACF on Adani

28 February 18

Advice to ACF on whether the Carmichael Coal Mine can be stopped under the EPBC Act.


Environment spending in Australia

02 February 18

Since 2013, the proportion of total Commonwealth spending devoted to the Federal Environment Department has nearly halved.


The real cost of coal

24 November 17

A new coal-fired power station in North Queensland is estimated to cost the community up to $3 billion to build and $230 million a year in health, pollution and government subsidies