ANZ is a major sponsor of the Australian Open: a cultural highlight that promotes fitness, community, and the importance of getting outside. ANZ is also a funding new and expansionary coal, oil or gas projects, which are turbocharging the climate crisis and putting our sports at risk.
This is not a game. ANZ has a climate problem.
Due to increasing heatwaves, the Open and other matches are at risk of cancellation, our champions and fans at risk of heatstroke.
They need to hear from you that you want to see ANZ shift the billions of dollars they are responsible for out of burning and digging fossil fuels and into solutions that will protect us from droughts, floods and heatwaves.
Add your name to the petition.
"As concerned citizens, customers, shareholders, and employees, we call on ANZ to stop financing the digging and burning of fossil fuels. The first steps are:
- divesting from thermal coal by 2030 or earlier;
- divesting from oil & gas in line with the Paris climate agreement;
- not investing in new or expansion coal, gas & oil projects.
Burning fossil fuels is the biggest driver of climate damage. We are concerned about the climate crisis and want action."
Latest Supporters
Carbon neutral – NOT an option!!
People before profit, ANZ.
I’ve banked with ANZ for 60 years and I Ask you to change you policies and consider the damage you are doing to our planet. We now all know about climate change. We know you have tri change.
As a long term ANZ customer I urge you to stop supporting fossil fuel industries. Now.
Kids listen louder than words! Tomorrow IS THEIRS !!!
And their future starts today, leave the dirty stuff in the ground, they will be watching …!
As an ANZ customer I request that you seriously consider moving from fossil fuel investments to address our climate emergency. This is urgent and I request that you consider your valued customers by addressing the seriousness of the significant impact the fossil fuel industry is having on all our communities. We need to take action now and invest in renewables for our future.
If you continue to finance fossil fuels I will transfer my money to someone else.
Funding fossil fuels make no environmental or economic sense.
Please support renewables to help us all. You know it makes sense.
Please do the right thing ANZ
I am disappointed that as a major Australian business, you have still not undertaken to fully divest yourselves from the polluting coal industry within any specified time period. I request that you do so, thus improving your reputation for working towards a brighter future for us all, especially for our children and grand-children.
I have been an ANZ customer for many years and am appalled to hear about this. Come on ANZ, quit the spin and stop financing fossil fuels. Your shareholders, staff and customers all live in a world that bears the consequnces of climate change. If nothing else, do it for them!
We use the ANZ bank.
Guess what if ANZ don’t change then I will be changing banks.
We are long time customers of ANZ and are disgusted at their attitude to thermal coal.
Because of your corporate greed & your lack normal principles of Australian people … l left you years ago. Slow to learn ,ANZ…there is a planetary swing against your type.