Federal Environment Minister Tanya Plibersek just indicated that she will approve a new coal mine – the Isaac River project in Central Queensland.¹ This is the first new coal mine approval from the Albanese government that promised “climate action” would be its legacy.
People and wildlife in Australia are living through worsening climate impacts, choking on bushfire smoke, bracing for ferocious floods. The International Energy Agency has made it unequivocal that to keep global warming within 1.5 degrees, we can’t open any new coal mines!
This decision is indefensible. It’s nauseating.
And it doesn’t stop there. The Minister has also ignored the climate impacts of an additional three new coal mine proposals, waving them through to the next approval stage.²
It is up to all of us to keep pushing for much bolder action now to make our climate safe for future generations.
Let's take action now. Sign and share the petition urging the Albanese government to end climate-heating coal and gas in Australia now, and make our climate safe.
This decade is critical for slowing climate change in a meaningful way. We as a community need to keep hammering home to our governments that we want to see big visionary action now.
We have achieved a lot for our climate in the first 12 months of this new Parliament – an improved emissions reduction target, a stronger Safeguard Mechanism, a commitment to introduce fuel efficiency standards.
But as this news reminds us, we still have a long way to go. It’s up to us, everyday people across the country, to lead our governments to climate and nature solutions.
Let’s push on!
¹The Guardian: Albanese government approves first new coal mine since taking power
² Environment Justice Australia: Not my job: Environment Minister says climate science is not relevant to new coal and gas approvals