Australian governments must get serious about the clean energy transition to solar, wind, batteries and pumped hydo.

Responding to confirmation from AGL that it will close the Liddell coal power station in 2022, Australian Conservation Foundation Climate Change Program Manager, Gavan McFadzean, said:

“We welcome the AGL board’s confirmation that it will close the dirty Liddell coal plant in 2022 and will reject an offer from Alinta Energy to keep it polluting for longer.

“This decision will prevent significant climate pollution that would have been caused by Alinta and Manufacturing Australia’s reckless bid to keep the clunking old Liddell plant burning coal well past its used-by date.

“Australian governments must get serious about the clean energy transition to solar, wind, batteries and pumped hydo. If our governments keep hitting the snooze button on the transition they will do untold damage to our climate and not properly plan to look after workers and communities.

“The Turnbull Government has cheered on this crazy push to keep Liddell burning coal for longer, rather than getting on with the job of stopping climate pollution. To make matters worse it is proposing a National Energy Guarantee that dangerously lowballs pollution cuts and will help dirty coal plants stay open.

“Australia’s climate pollution is rising. Enough is enough. We need an ambitious national plan to cut pollution and transition our communities to clean energy from the sun and the wind.”

ACF Media Enquiries

Journalists with enquiries may contact Josh Meadows on 0439 342 992.