On 28 January 2021 the federal Environment Minister publicly released the final report from the independent review of the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation (EPBC) Act – our national environment laws.
It's now time for us as ACF Adelaide group to decide how we will approach our response.
Goals of the meeting
- Begin developing our response to the EPBC Act review.
- Launch Slack (ACF's social network) as the communication tool we will use to facilitate our response, while simultaneously using the EPBC topic to get us all upskilled in using Slack.
- Explore avenues we can adopt as a local group to influence the outcome of this important debate.
- Discuss how we will apply the Slack to keep the EPBC discussion and planning moving forward.
- Allocate tasks.
What's a 'Sprint' meeting?
In modern business 'Sprint' meetings, sometimes interchangeably called 'Scrum' meetings, are short, focused meetings, where a minimal agenda is turned around quickly with action points reviewed, examined and allocated. Attendees prepare for the meeting. Sprint meetings stick to the time allocated and to the agenda. Off-topic discussions are discouraged.
Your Action from here
Prepare for the meeting by:
- RSVPing to receive the the Zoom link, but also to signal interest in the EPBC topic, even if you cannot make the meeting.
- Install Zoom on your phone/pad/computer, ready for the meeting. Test using Zoom with a friend.
- Review ACF's interpretation of what the final report means for our national environment laws.
Watch this recording of an ACF webinar made soon after the release of the
final EPBC review. I attended live, and took a lot away from it.
Dust off your Slack app if you are already enrolled. Say 'Hi' to me via Slack to practice. Get in touch with me asap if you need to be enrolled so that I have the best chance of turning this around for you before the meeting.
Book in Slack training so that you can be part of this and other ACF Adelaide actions. The next national ACF Slack training events are:
Next Intermediate training 25th Feb, 6.30pm Adelaide time.
Next Basic training to be confirmed. Search the ACF website for 'Slack training' for next event. I went to last week's basic training and it transformed my understanding; I now 'get' Slack.
This is just the beginning of Adelaide ACF's EPBC response. Join the discussion via Slack if you can't make the meeting. Let the rest of us know of letters/emails written, meetings held and more. Share your EPBC achievements and inspire the rest of us!
ACF Adelaide Community is part of a network of independently organised, volunteer-run groups in the ACF community. ACF will pass on your contact details to the host for the purpose of running the event.