NSW Energy Minister Don Harwin has called for the Federal Government to put “science, economics and engineering ahead of ideology” on climate change policy.
In response to NSW Energy Minister Don Harwin’s call for the Federal Government to put “science, economics and engineering ahead of ideology” on climate change policy, the Australian Conservation Foundation’s Chief Executive Officer, Kelly O’Shanassy, said:
“It’s encouraging to see the NSW Government adding its voice to the growing calls from the community for strong national climate change policy.
“The NSW Energy Minister has rightly called out his federal Liberal colleagues for making climate denial central to the Morrison Government’s energy and climate change policy.
“For decades Australia has been stuck in the mire on climate policy. This is largely down to a small cabal of climate deniers who have railroaded progress, despite broad agreement among other elected representatives, business, civil society and the community that clear and strong national policy to cut climate pollution is needed.
“Australia’s climate pollution levels keep rising. And the United Nations says we are not on track to meet even our weak international climate commitments.
“But the Morrison Government’s response has been to obfuscate and cherry pick data. Meanwhile, it’s pursuing a ludicrous plan to bankroll more coal-fired power in Australia.
“NSW has a strong commitment to reach net zero emissions by 2050. But the NSW Government could be doing much more itself to encourage the construction of renewable energy and reduce emissions from industry and transport.
“It appears to only be now dawning on our elected representatives that climate change will be central to people’s concerns at the next Federal Election.
“Parties that have strong climate policies that transition Australia from digging up and burning more coal to embracing 100% clean energy will be rewarded at the ballot box.”