The Turnbull Government’s decision not to axe the Clean Energy Finance Corporation and to set up a new clean energy fund will help the growth of renewable energy, the Australian Conservation Foundation said.

“We welcome this change of heart by the Turnbull government to get behind clean energy,” said the Australian Conservation Foundation’s CEO Kelly O’Shanassy.

“The CEFC has been central to the development of new clean energy technology in Australia and has an important role to play as Australia makes the inevitable shift away from polluting coal towards clean energy.

“We hope this will be the first of many announcements on clean energy as we head towards the federal budget and election.

“This government has a long way to go to make up for the damage it has done to action on climate change through approving massive new coal mines and abolishing the economy-wide price on pollution, which was driving down Australia’s pollution levels.

“Since the carbon price was scrapped, Australian pollution has again been on the rise.

“Australia’s pollution increased by 1.3 per cent in 2014-15, sending 7,200,000 additional tonnes of planet warming pollution into our atmosphere in just one year.

“While we welcome this new clean energy fund, the removal of the Australian Renewable Energy Agency's grant-making function and the reported decision to fund the body with money reserved for the CEFC is disappointing and undermines ARENA’s role.

“Every politician standing for election this year must realise Australians want leaders who will actively support clean energy and help Australia quickly make the transition away from last century energy sources,” she said.

ACF Media Enquiries

Journalists with enquiries may contact Josh Meadows on 0439 342 992.