September 06, 2023
5pm - 6:30pm
ACF Community Canberra
National Carillon
Queen Elizabeth II Island
Parkes, ACT 2600
See Google map »
September 06, 2023
5pm - 6:30pm
ACF Community Canberra
National Carillon
Queen Elizabeth II Island
Parkes, ACT 2600
See Google map »
The platy-project is an Australian Conservation Foundation initiative to get people out looking for platypus at their nearest river or creek throughout September, to help researchers understand more about this elusive animal. Join us at our upcoming platy-project community survey event.
Please note: The event may be cancelled due to poor weather conditions, and all participants who have RSVP'd will be sent an email by 3pm on the day of the event.
What to bring:
This image has been provided courtesy of IanH, see Canberra Nature Map https://canberra.naturemapr.